
به مناسبت روز جهانی بدون پلاستیک، رویداد تجربه نگاری کمپین جزیره سبز برگزار شد
به مناسبت روز جهانی بدون پلاستیک، رویداد تجربه نگاری کمپین جزیره سبز برگزار شد

مدیر ژئوپارک جهانی قشم از برگزاری کارگاه آموزشی و رویداد تجربه نگاری کمپین جزیره سبز به مناسبت روز جهانی بدون پلاستیک خبر داد.

On the occasion of Earth Day, workshop on Children and Earth was held
On the occasion of Earth Day, workshop on Children and Earth was held

workshop on Children and Earth

The participation of the Qeshm Island UGGp in empowering the students of Qeshm Island
The participation of the Qeshm Island UGGp in empowering the students of Qeshm Island

The director of Qeshm Island UGGp said that on World Education Day, a training workshop was held to introduce the concepts of the geopark and its integration with handmade structures and artistic productions of the conservatories students of the central part of Qeshm Island.

The Geological Interpretation training course of Qeshm Island UGGp was held
The Geological Interpretation training course of Qeshm Island UGGp was held

The director of Qeshm Island UGGp announced that the training course on the geological interpretation of geosites of Qeshm Island UGGp was held in a theoretical and practical way.

On the occasion of the World Deaf Day, the children of Armaghan Special School were trained with the Qeshm Island UGGp educational equipment.
On the occasion of the World Deaf Day, the children of Armaghan Special School were trained with the Qeshm Island UGGp educational equipment.

The director of Qeshm Island UGGp announced the commemoration of World Deaf Day in Armaghan Special School and held a training course for children with the Qeshm Island UGGp educational equipment.

Celebrating the Children’s and Teenager’s literature day at the Geopark Educational Center in the west of Qeshm Island
Celebrating the Children’s and Teenager’s literature day at the Geopark Educational Center in the west of Qeshm Island

It was done by Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark
Celebrating the Children’s and Teenager’s literature day at the Geopark Educational Center in the west of Qeshm Island
The director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced the commemoration of the Children’s and Teenager’s literature day at the Geopark Educational Center in the west of Qeshm Island.

On the occasion of Tree Planting Week, The Land and Tree training workshop was held on Qeshm Island.
On the occasion of Tree Planting Week, The Land and Tree training workshop was held on Qeshm Island.

The director of the Qeshm Island UGGp announced the holding of the Land and Tree training workshop on the occasion of Tree Planting Week with the presence of students in Qeshm Island.

کارگاه آموزشی بازآموزی قوانین و مقررات تورهای گردشگری و آشنایی با قوانین مسئولیت مدنی
کارگاه آموزشی بازآموزی قوانین و مقررات تورهای گردشگری و آشنایی با قوانین مسئولیت مدنی

کارگاه آموزشی بازآموزی قوانین و مقررات تورهای گردشگری و آشنایی با قوانین مسئولیت مدنی در قبال گردشگران

مکان1: سالن آموزشی تماشاگه حرا اسکله سهیلی 24 اسفندماه
مکان 2: سالن آموزشی موزه ژئوپارک جهانی قشم 25 اسفندماه

On the occasion of International Tourist Guide Day, Educational workshop on ornithology and birdwatching
On the occasion of International Tourist Guide Day, Educational workshop on ornithology and birdwatching

On the occasion of International Tourist Guide Day, and under the auspices of Qeshm Global Geopark, the ornithology and birdwatching training workshop was held on Qeshm Island.
The director of the Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced the holding of the ornithology and birdwatching training workshop on the occasion of International Tourist Guide Day with 30 participants.

برگزاری دوره تسهیلگری
برگزاری دوره تسهیلگری

دوره تسهیلگری با همکاری SGP و حضور اعضای فعال شبکه همیاران ژئوپارک جهانی قشم در موزه ژئوپارک جهانی قشم برگزار گردید.
خردادماه 1401

'Children, Earth & Dates' First Educational workshop for Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark Students
'Children, Earth & Dates' First Educational workshop for Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark Students

The first educational workshop on Children, Earth and Dates was held on Qeshm Island.

Virtual workshop on the occasion of international clean earth day
Virtual workshop on the occasion of international clean earth day

The workshop was about introducing earth day, its history, the purpose of naming and the survey of conservation strategies. Also, climate change as one of the most important challenge that facing the earth and solution was discussed.

Participation of 20 Locals in the Educational Course on Karst Geology and Geomorphology
Participation of 20 Locals in the Educational Course on Karst Geology and Geomorphology

Director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced that 20 local trainees attended an educational workshop on karst geology and geomorphology that has been held by Qeshm Free Area Organization with the intention of raising knowledge about geoscience and Qeshm Salt Dome.

Director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced the launch of 3 Geoproduct workshops in the villages of Qeshm Island.
Director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced the launch of 3 Geoproduct workshops in the villages of Qeshm Island.

Director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced the holding of workshops on the concepts of Geopark and Geoproduct in three villages of Qeshm Island.

Commemoration of the World Day to Combat Desertification, held in Qeshm with the Slogan "Let's Grow the Future Together ".
Commemoration of the World Day to Combat Desertification, held in Qeshm with the Slogan "Let's Grow the Future Together ".

The Director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced the holding the ceremony of World Day to Combat Desertification with the Slogan "Let's Grow the Future Together ", with the Participation of 30 students from the Dulab Village.

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