
Commemoration of the World Day to Combat Desertification, held in Qeshm with the Slogan "Let's Grow the Future Together ".
Commemoration of the World Day to Combat Desertification, held in Qeshm with the Slogan "Let's Grow the Future Together ".

The Director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced the holding the ceremony of World Day to Combat Desertification with the Slogan "Let's Grow the Future Together ", with the Participation of 30 students from the Dulab Village.

Workshop on Geopark and Geoproducts: training course on crafts by using salt unit for Qeshm Island UGGp students (KAaSHEF team, Entrepreneurship project) with contribution of new era earth science institute.
Workshop on Geopark and Geoproducts: training course on crafts by using salt unit for Qeshm Island UGGp students (KAaSHEF team, Entrepreneurship project) with contribution of new era earth science institute.

Workshop on Geopark and Geoproducts: training course on crafts by using salt unit for Qeshm Island UGGp students (KAaSHEF team, Entrepreneurship project) with contribution of new era earth science institute.

Teaching the Concepts of Geopark and Geotourism to 60 Teachers in Shahab District of Qeshm Island
Teaching the Concepts of Geopark and Geotourism to 60 Teachers in Shahab District of Qeshm Island

Director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark announced the holding of the training workshop intended to teach the concepts of geopark and geotourism to 60 school teachers from Shahab District of the island.

Familiarizing tour guides with concepts of earth sciences and geological phenomena in Qeshm
Familiarizing tour guides with concepts of earth sciences and geological phenomena in Qeshm

Manager of Qeshm Geopark announced that a day-long workshop on concepts of earth sciences and geological phenomena will be help for 60 tourism students of the island.

lithology workshop and interacting with surrounding nature
lithology workshop and interacting with surrounding nature

lithology workshop and interacting with surrounding nature

The 2nd phase of Doll making workshop of Qeshm GEO-PARK
The 2nd phase of Doll making workshop of Qeshm GEO-PARK

To advance the "endangered species conservation project", the 2nd phase of doll making workshop is being running on in the Qeshm Island.

Geopark local guide course
Geopark local guide course

Geopark local guide course

1st corse on the familiarity with cave and speleogy for rangers and loca tour guides qeshm island geopark
1st corse on the familiarity with cave and speleogy for rangers and loca tour guides qeshm island geopark

1st corse on the familiarity with cave and speleogy for rangers and loca tour guides qeshm island geopark

Qeshm Geopark holds Third local guide course
Qeshm Geopark holds Third local guide course

Qeshm Geopark holds Third local guide course

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